Refund service donations

My fundraiser did not succeed, did not achieve its goal or the project will be discontinued; I want to repay the donors.

If you would like the option of repaying donations if you do not achieve your goal and/or your project does not go ahead, we offer a refund service.

You should realise that there are transaction costs involved in both receiving and refunding donations.

There are 2 options:

1. Payout to the fundraiser’s organiser has already taken place. Repayment by the fundraiser’s organiser: You repay the donations yourself. In your Steunactie account dashboard, you can view and download a list of donors (name, e-mail address, donation amount). To do so, go to Donations in your dashboard. You can contact the donors by e-mail, explaining that the fundraiser was not or only partially successful and that you would like to refund their donation and request them to send their bank account details.

Note: This can only be done for donors who have not donated anonymously. If donors have donated anonymously, neither you nor we have their contact details, and you cannot contact to them. If you want to keep the option of repaying the donations yourself open, we recommend encouraging donors not to donate anonymously by mentioning this in the description text of your fundraiser.

2. Disbursement to the fundraiser’s organiser has not yet taken place. Refund by Steunactie: Refunds of donations can be made to all donors - including those who donated anonymously. Our payment service partner Mollie has the bank account details of all donors, including those who donated anonymously. However, this involves transaction and platform costs for both receiving donations and again for refunding them. Costs depend on the payment method chosen by the donor. Steunactie charges the same transaction fees for refunding donations as is charged for receiving donations. This is a fixed amount of €0.50 (inclusing VAT) per donation plus the variable transaction costs charged by some of the payment methods. The platform costs are 5% (including VAT). So you pay double the transaction and platform fees because the transactions are carried out twice. See https://steunactie.nl/rates for an overview. You will receive an invoice for these costs in advance, which must be paid before we can proceed to refund.

It is possible not to have your donations paid out via the weekly payout rounds, so you can make use of Steunactie's repayment service, by not linking your bank account to your fundraiser so that no weekly payments are made, and the money accumulates in your Steunactie account. Should your goal/project succeed, you can still link your bank account to your fundraiser so that payment will take place on the first, following Tuesday.

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