Where can I find my fundraiser?

Finding my fundraising campaign on the platform

If you have set up a fundraising campaign and activated it, it is online.

Each fundraiser receives a unique 'link' or internet address. If you click on it, you will be directed to the action page of the action in question. This unique address is most important for finding your fundraiser. You should share this link as much as possible.

Visitors can also find your fundraiser by using the search function which is located on the home page. Here they can fill in keywords - related to the fundraiser - to find the fundraiser in question. This may be the title, the name of the adminstrator/organiser, the organisation, group or team name if this has been entered, or the category.

We also publish the top 3 best performing fundraisers of that moment on the home page. You will also find the newest campaigns and campaigns that have raised the most, if they have not been removed by the organisor.

There are many active fundraisers on the platform at the same time. However, via the direct campaign link and the search function, each specific campain can easyily be found.

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